This blog is actually about me writing everything I learn about myself...........but lately i am not having the time to blog. College keeps me busy.
Well there's not many my kind of guys around. My city is really homophobic. But luckily, the other day I managed to find another gay guy. And it was a big relief. At least I found someone with whom I can share my deepest feelings. No more pretending to enjoy the all guys' talk about how big a girl's boobs are!!
But I still feel ice cubes sliding down my spine when somebody asks me if I have a girlfriend. I just try everything to divert the topic, then. If i find myself getting entangled, I just say 'it's complicated!'.
So this guy is a little bit effiminate ( no offence) and he's fun to be with. I never thought he was gay before because i never thought effiminate men could be gay. Yea I know I was a fag for thinking that( that is one type of stereotyping and i regret it now). So we talked and now I can talk about what I want to talk. He's going through the same process, I guess...
Well? How'd it go?